Since 2013, PT Akar Prima Nusantara (APN) has become an IBM official business partner. Contact us for our IBM related services portfolio.
PT Akar Prima Nusantara (APN) was founded on December 2007 with vision enhancing our Clients business to a higher level with feasible information technology solution. We believe that Information Technology will be the core on every business and that a good Information Technology implementation will be the key success factor in every company that wants to survive in this fierce business competition.
Read MoreWe provide Information Technology consulting for companies that needs our expert knowledge regarding their Technology implementation and problems.
Our team will be tailoring your application according to specific business need with reliable solution.
We provide support for your existing applications, databases, system even if they were not built by our team. We support technical aspects and operational of the legacy applications.
Kambium Business letter is an electronic business letter application, developed based on government script correspondence system.
In the spirit of improving performance, accountability and transparency, this PHP based - lesspaper solution is the right choice for your company! Available in desktop and mobile version. More info on Kambium Business Letter.