What is Kambium Business Letter
Kambium Business letter is an electronic business letter application, developed based on government script correspondence system
Why use Kambium Business Letter?

A lesspaper - leads to paperless - system, which means saving on papers, inks and other printing related materials, and of course more enviromentally friendly
Reducing execution time of mailing process, starting from drafting letter, numbering, distribution, disposition, archiving, to mail search.

In the end of the day, Kambium Business Letter will improve your company performance, accountability and transparency.
Kambium Main Modules
Surat Keluar
To create internal and external letters.
Surat Masuk
Registration of incoming letters from external.
Forward letters to colleagues or staff with action notes.
Appointment of replacement officers.
Secretary Appointment.
Access to all existing letters. Only accessible by document units.
Mobile browser app, Android and iOS* native app.
Kambium Additional Modules
Dokumen Lain
Serves as e-filling and original documents borrowing.
The invitation-making form, equipped with the columns for place, time and agenda.
Sinkronisasi HRIS*
Kambium synchronization with company existing HRIS.
Surat Lain (Max.7)
Surat Edaran,Surat Tugas, Surat Keterangan, Surat Pernyataan, Suat Kuasa, Surat Direksi. .
QR Code
Letter information using QR Code.
Kambium Tools

Document Tracking
A tool to easily monitor the position of sent letter at any given time.

Flexible Search
Flexible letter search by Letter Number, Subject, Sender, Period and Area Unit, with text or barcode input*

Electronic Archiving
A systematic electronic archiving system, saves physical space and ease of searching.

History & Version
Hisroty: record the travel history of the letter since it was still a draft until it was read by the recipient. Version: letter concept data at a certain stage

A tool to group mail recipients for easy retrieval from the addressbook.

Mail Merge
A tool to create the same letter with many different recipients.

MS-Word Template
A letter template made in Docx format to make it easier for the drafter to fill in the body of the letter.

A tool to record incoming and outgoing letters in each work unit.
Technology Platform

This application is developed using the PHP platform and mySQL database, so in addition for being a well-functioning and flexible application, Kambium Business Letter is a cost effective application for your company.
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